Tashinlhunpo Mahayana Buddhist Pilgrims in Tibet
Jens Andreas Friis wrote that the Laplander people in the Nordic areas worhipped pictures of deities and snakes (reptiles): En sommer i Finnmarken, Russisk Lapland og Nord Karelen (1880). The text is in Danish language.

Knud Leem was from 1725 the second christian missioner in Porsanger, Finnmark (Norway), before him was Rasmus Rachlew from 1718 - 1722: Knud Leems Beskrivelse over Finmarkens Lapper: deres tungemaal, levemaade og forrige avgudsdyrkelse By Knud Leem, Johan Ernst Gunnerus, Erik Johan Jessen, 1767.

”Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde” by Bernard Picart, 1724-25.
Take a closer look at the illustrations in the book by Bernard Picart Ceremonies et Coutumes. Volume 4 Image Index


In the footsteps of Alexander the Great: A video from Kalash where you can see how they worship nature Gods with offering blood:
BBC - In the footsteps of Alexander (The Kalash) 23.
You can see the rest of the series at Youtube: In the footsteps of Alexander The Great.
The ancient people of the Nordic and western Russian areas offered deer blood to their Gods, they where the ancient Laplanders and Goths of Northwestern Europe. The Goths likely came to the Nordic during Iron Age a few hundred years before the common era.
History about the ancient history in the Nordic is rewritten and redefined by the later Protestant Christian colonizers starting after the reformation in the 1520's. However there are are a few old texts about the practicing of pre-Christian religion of the Laplanders. John Scheffer and Olaus Magnus have documented some of it, and you can find more information and literature sources in the following post of Saamiblog.
John Scheffer (1674), page 144 Chapter X: Sami men run a sharp knife through the heart of a reindeer buck and gather the blood from the heart. The image of Thor is placed on an altar and is offered to by drawing crosses with the blood on the chest of the deity. Some of the fat is also offered, and the horns of the sacrificed deer, the skull and its feet are placed behind the deity. The rest of the animal is placed in a coffer and is used in the household. The Sami offered to Thor in the autumn.

Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses de tous les peuples du monde In English: “The ceremonies and religious customs of the various nations” , (1725) av Bernard Picart. The source of the next picture is the same.

ReplyDeleteThank you very much for this very interesting post! I didn't know about the religion(?) based on animism in the Nordic area. So intriguing!!